
There are many companies in the Netherlands with ambitions in the field of biomass gasification and green gas, but it is difficult for them to further develop and test new ideas or prototypes. Many interesting innovations are not developed into an end product because entrepreneurs stumble over the preconditions for a successful introduction.

Our entrepreneurs

It is difficult to find a suitable, affordable, licensed and well-equipped environment to demonstrate and test. Entrepreneurs also often find it difficult to connect with knowledge parties and education. Financing can also be a problem, because financiers only step in if pilots and demos prove to be a success. Thanks to an integrated approach (knowledge, coaching, contacts, access to capital, services and workspace), InVesta helps entrepreneurs to break down these barriers, so that ideas can be developed quickly.

Develop with Investa

InVesta stimulates, facilitates and connects parties to develop and market innovations in the biomass gasification chain. She focuses on the entire chain from biomass to end product. InVesta is interesting for parties that want to test techniques in the chain. To this end, it makes facilities available where pilots and demos can be tested and presented.

