Data Science Alkmaar

Data Science Alkmaar is a platform for innovation where the business community, governments and education from NHN gain a good insight into the opportunities offered by big data and artificial intelligence.

Data Science Alkmaar (2014) is an initiative of VU University Amsterdam, the municipality of Alkmaar, Noord-Holland Noord Development Company, RAADHUIS creative agency and De TelefoonCentrale. Our message: be aware of the opportunities that data and artificial intelligence offer and start with the most important digital innovation of our time.


Data Science Alkmaar is a platform for innovation where the triple helix – business, government and education – gains a good view of the developments around big data and artificial intelligence in order to use them for regional economic growth and development.

The VU University Amsterdam provides a scientific and independent framework for this. With regard to economic growth and development.


Collective alertness

The enormous acceleration at the moment when it comes to technological developments requires enormous alertness from the business community, education and government. Of course: individually every organization must now be up to date when it comes to high-tech performance. But also of great importance is a collective, joint alertness to at least maintain or improve the strong position of Noord-Holland Noord as an attractive region when it comes to business activity, housing and the labor market.

Innovative reputation

This concerns the innovative reputation of Noord-Holland Noord, which is very important for young, new generations: being able to learn and work at an inspiring and challenging level is very relevant, in addition to another important aspect: affordable living in a beautiful part of the land (space, cities, sea/beach, good infrastructure, et cetera). Developing an interesting labor potential makes Noord-Holland Noord an important player when it comes to choosing a location for large (international) parties.

Bridge to data projects with the university

In principle, we organize 4 lectures/webinars and related workshops per year. In addition, Data Science Alkmaar forms a bridge to the scientific world of the VU University Amsterdam, with which data projects can be entered into. In addition, we have started the Data Science Café, where young data professionals from NHN can regularly talk to each other about experiences or developments in the profession.

Founding Partners
Data Science Alkmaar

  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 
  • Development Agency Noord-Holland Noord
  • Marijn Project Support
  • Municipality Alkmaar 
  • De TelefoonCentrale 

